black flat screen computer monitor

Tech Enthusiast Journey

Explore my career path and passion for technology through my personal insights and experiences.

About My Career Journey

Welcome to my page! My name is Oscar Leal and I am a free lance Developer and a Tech Enthusiast who likes to share tips and tricks on stuff I've learned throughout my career.

My Porfolio

macbook pro on black wooden table
macbook pro on black wooden table

Where am I at?

  • I am currently employed as an Email Developer at Abercrombie & Fitch.

  • I have background In Marketing and Communications.

Tech Passion

Exploring my career journey and love for technology and innovation.

black and silver laptop computer
black and silver laptop computer
Current Projects

ServiceSmart: Converting a full stack site into a mobile app.

Runners Unidos Site: A site for a running club.

two person standing on gray tile paving
two person standing on gray tile paving
Future Goals

Aiming to expand my skills and embrace new tech challenges ahead.